The Infinite Game & daily leadership
I’ve become a bit obsessed with the original Infinite Game concept, first introduced by James P. Carse in his book Finite and Infinite Games (now, of course, popularized by Simon Sinek). Lately, I’ve been finding ways to apply this idea to various parts of my personal and work life, from […]
Communicating for ‘results’ – The 10 commandments leaders to create impact
If you’re a leader, no matter where you sit in the org structure, how do you get things done? Imagine any day of the week, what is it that you end up doing most of the time at work? Its Communication. With your team, your customers, cross-functional colleagues, and your […]
What Truly MATTERS in Leadership Development: Reflections from the Seashore
As I journeyed back from an intense workshop in Mahabalipuram, on the outskirts of Chennai, I found myself reflecting on the experience and the impact it had on the workshop participants. I pondered what elements from this workshop design I could take with me and incorporate into future workshops. While […]
Time Management – Its about creating Space & Stamina
I’ve always disliked the standard narrative of #timemanagement with an over reliance on standard templates and fancy productivity tools, not to mention the one-size fits all narrative of e-learning modules. As if, that was the only missing piece in a professional’s ability to manage their time and get things done. […]